The Atlantic, November 2014, Why Kids Sext
Photographer: Katherine Wolkoff
“Hanna Rosin’s “Why Kids Sext” takes a look at a school in Lousia County, Virginia. The town’s high school faced an epidemic of kids taking and sharing nude pictures on tehir phones. Technically, this is a crime, but how can law-enforcement deal with it? You can’t register every kid as a sex offender, and the kids don’t think it’s a big enough problem to stop. For the cover, we wanted something provocative, but tasteful–not too graphic. I reached out to the photographer Katherine Wolkoff, who does amazing portraits of people in silhouette. The idea was to have our (18-year-old) model portray a teenage girl as she takes a nude selfie. The combination of the shadows and the white background creates a surreal image that gives the feeling of something dark beneath the surface.”
– See more at: http://www.magazine.org/asme/magazine-cover-contest/past-winners-finalists/2015-winners-finalists#sthash.aFb6S9l5.dpuf